May's Book of the Month | Defying the Enemy Within | Joe Williams | plus reading questions
I always wanted to include local content in the Garrandarang Reading List, and to support local authors and community people who are out there doing something great! Joe is no exception- i think this book was a great addition to the reading list and i am looking forward to the insightful discussion that i'm sure the ladies will have after reading it.
It was very interesting reading a book by someone you sort of know (because who really knows anyone yeah?). I worked with Joe as a teachers aide at a local high school and it amazed me, reading his book- everyone has their own demons and issues. Its not often you read about them in a book though!
Reading questions for this months book, can be downloaded here. Happy reading!
Please be mindful- this book contains some very distressing information and topics that may trigger some people. If you or a loved one need to talk to someone about your mental health, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14.